What is in Your Hand?
Exodus 4:1-2 Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’" 2 So the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.” (Moses’ shepherd staff)
One of the powerful byproducts of standing in His Glory is how much it transforms our life. Moses was a shepherd caring for His sheep when he came upon the burning bush. That encounter with Glory changed everything for him. He went from being a shepherd to becoming the Deliverer of Israel to developing into one of the most formidable leaders of the Old Testament.
His encounter with Glory clarified his identity, revealed his purpose and established his authority.
At different times, each of us struggle to answer these questions about ourself. Who am I? What should I do? Who will listen to me or believe in me? Moses grew up as a prince of Egypt, but, he was essentially an orphan because he didn’t know who he was. His identity was confusing to him. He didn’t know how to reconcile his life as a prince with his heritage as a Jew. When he left Egypt he became a shepherd. He had no aspirations for more. Yet, when he encountered the Presence of the Lord at the Burning Bush he was given an assignment that was so much greater than he saw himself to be that he struggled to believe that God had not made a mistake.
He couldn’t believe that if he returned to Egypt, anyone would take him seriously. He felt that they would just laugh at him if he confronted them. Because he couldn’t speak well (Ex. 4:10), he didn’t consider himself qualified to address Pharaoh directly.
Finally, he didn’t think he was equipped to represent I AM Who I AM to pharaoh. He didn’t feel qualified to do it. When the Lord asked him what he had in his hand, he held out his staff in embarrassment. But, God infused what Moses held with His own incredible power. That’s how Glory works.
God knew that Moses was being transformed through each step he took toward God. Every “Yes” increased his capacity.
Moses became an incredibly powerful leader because he learned the key to greatness and breakthrough - he always pursued the Glory. If you are questioning anything God has asked you to do, stop to take an inventory. You might feel that you aren’t capable or that you’re not trained well enough. But, when you step toward His Glory and say, “yes”, something about you will change. You will become greater and more empowered. Don’t focus on your shortcomings, just make sure you say “Yes,” to the Glory.
So, What’s in your hand? God can do something with that.
2 Corinthians 3:18; Psalm 24:7-10; Psalm 96:3; 1 Peter 5:5-7
Practice saying , “Yes,” to God. Start with something simple. Maybe it’s about the time you rise in the morning. Maybe it’s about something you feel the Lord has been speaking to you about that you should do. God reveals Himself to the yielded, humble heart. He resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. He will take the little you offer Him and transform your life with it.
One of the powerful byproducts of standing in His Glory is how much it transforms our life. Moses was a shepherd caring for His sheep when he came upon the burning bush. That encounter with Glory changed everything for him. He went from being a shepherd to becoming the Deliverer of Israel to developing into one of the most formidable leaders of the Old Testament.
His encounter with Glory clarified his identity, revealed his purpose and established his authority.
At different times, each of us struggle to answer these questions about ourself. Who am I? What should I do? Who will listen to me or believe in me? Moses grew up as a prince of Egypt, but, he was essentially an orphan because he didn’t know who he was. His identity was confusing to him. He didn’t know how to reconcile his life as a prince with his heritage as a Jew. When he left Egypt he became a shepherd. He had no aspirations for more. Yet, when he encountered the Presence of the Lord at the Burning Bush he was given an assignment that was so much greater than he saw himself to be that he struggled to believe that God had not made a mistake.
He couldn’t believe that if he returned to Egypt, anyone would take him seriously. He felt that they would just laugh at him if he confronted them. Because he couldn’t speak well (Ex. 4:10), he didn’t consider himself qualified to address Pharaoh directly.
Finally, he didn’t think he was equipped to represent I AM Who I AM to pharaoh. He didn’t feel qualified to do it. When the Lord asked him what he had in his hand, he held out his staff in embarrassment. But, God infused what Moses held with His own incredible power. That’s how Glory works.
God knew that Moses was being transformed through each step he took toward God. Every “Yes” increased his capacity.
Moses became an incredibly powerful leader because he learned the key to greatness and breakthrough - he always pursued the Glory. If you are questioning anything God has asked you to do, stop to take an inventory. You might feel that you aren’t capable or that you’re not trained well enough. But, when you step toward His Glory and say, “yes”, something about you will change. You will become greater and more empowered. Don’t focus on your shortcomings, just make sure you say “Yes,” to the Glory.
So, What’s in your hand? God can do something with that.
2 Corinthians 3:18; Psalm 24:7-10; Psalm 96:3; 1 Peter 5:5-7
Practice saying , “Yes,” to God. Start with something simple. Maybe it’s about the time you rise in the morning. Maybe it’s about something you feel the Lord has been speaking to you about that you should do. God reveals Himself to the yielded, humble heart. He resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. He will take the little you offer Him and transform your life with it.
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