Encountering Freedom

Experience the transforming power of being loved by God

Encountering Freedom Ministry

Freedom Ministry focuses on greater personal freedom and intimacy in our relationship with God. It is critical for every believer to understand the full scope of salvation (SOZO) and to experience it. This class is about life transformation that is only possible because of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross.

8-Week Class

• Learn Your Original Design
• Understand how to dismantle strongholds in your life
• Use the authority you have in Christ
• Break generational patterns
• Receive personal prayer ministry

Offered twice a year, in the Fall and Spring.
Cost is $45, Alumni $10.
Includes 8-week class and a workbook.
Next Class begins April 3, 2025.

Discovering Our Original Design 

What Does God Say About Me?

One of the most important ideas we will ever understand about ourselves in relation to God is that He has designed us to be an Original. Our personality, our talents, our physical attributes and even how we think has been uniquely crafted by God in a wonderful combination of design and purpose. The person we are is distinct from everyone else on the planet.

Because we are created in His image, there are seeds of greatness and glory in every single one of us. When God looks at us, He doesn't see all our shortcomings or failures. He sees the amazing potential that is in us. He loves us profoundly and completely and longs for  us to discover exactly how amazing we really are.

When we come to Jesus through salvation we can discover God's great purpose for our life. We are like a brilliantly engineered rocket whose potential power and range no on knows until the fuse is lit. We may have waited our entire life to discover what God has always known about us-Our Original design. God has longed to display his glorious propose for his children to the world through Jesus Christ!

During the Encountering Freedom Class, each participant receives personal Original Design prayer time and coaching on how to craft their own "I Am" Statement, which is founded in the deep, unshakable truth about who God says they are in Him. It is with great honor that we get to share some of these powerful testimonies and declarations with you.